『壹』 南寧華僑投資區華僑中學的錄取分數線
南寧華僑中學歷年錄取年份/預錄人數 錄取最低等級等級等級錄取最高等級2015年C+(2B4C+)B(3B+3B)B+(2A4B+)A(4A2A+)2015年預錄人數2510112929
『貳』 南寧華僑投資區華僑中學的學校地址
『叄』 南寧華僑投資區華僑中學的社團組織
社團組織序號名稱成立時間性質001南寧華僑中學學生會 1986年組織002街舞社2013年社團003排球社2015年社團004吉他社2015年社團005籃球社社團006魔方社2015年10月(遞交申請書)社團註:此社團組織名錄截2015年為止已有:1組織、4社團,尚有1社團等待批復。
『肆』 南寧華僑投資區華僑中學的傲人學子
『伍』 南寧華僑投資區華僑中學的英文介紹
In 2006, was admitted to wuhan university
Entered the China academy of fine arts in 2007
Was admitted to guangxi university in 2008
Huang Jing jing was admitted to tsinghua university in 2009
Yangtze river after the waves steady, smaller yu - overseas Chinese overseas Chinese middle school fellows
Subsequent Chinese man was admitted to shenyang architecture university, guangdong light instry university, south China institute of the people's literature and art, guangxi university, guangxi normal university, guilin university of technology, such as colleges and universities The People's Republic of China, guangxi zhuang autonomous region, nanning overseas Chinese investment zone (nanning china-asean economic development zone) ecation road no. 1
Administrative region number: 450122
Zip code: 530105
Traffic routes: 5 road, 100 road, east nanning post, anji bus toward the direction of the asean economic development zone have the bus In the 1960 s
School predecessor was first in 1963 by the overseas Chinese management committee for 9 Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia and other southeast Asian countries founded by returned overseas Chinese Wu Qiao receive high school high school admission, talented people breed its large Numbers of undergraate students in the real is not easy.
In the 1990 s
December 1990, guangxi autonomous region government approved the establishment of nanning overseas Chinese investment zone, the school was today's overseas Chinese middle school, be rated as ordinary senior primary school of the guangxi zhuang autonomous region has successively won: won the first prize at the municipal level, respectively, 1990, 1991, 1990, 1995, in 1996 won the municipal second and third prizes respectively, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1994, in turn, for one, two, three, second prize at the county level.
The 21st century
Becoming an important contacting unit under the state council in 2005, in 2013 the government funding for the university (invested 30 million yuan), the new construction of comprehensive teaching building, science and technology lab building, dormitory building, indoor arena, stadium and other teaching facilities improve, improve the campus environment facilities to upgrade. This area is the first in guangxi area of 15 years of free ecation, class in our school enjoy middle school, high school ecation government offered free of charge. Schools with strict, unity, healthy, and enterprising as the motto, based on its cultural advantages, comprehensively promote quality ecation, in cultivating students' morality, intelligence and physique, us, fatigue and so on to form the good for wisdom, wisdom and, the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) a foreign language, outstanding sports specialty school characteristics.
From 1990 to 1998, the school to participate in nanning, high school graating class teaching evaluation, year after year won: won the first prize at the municipal level, respectively, 1990, 1991, 1990, 1995 and 1996, respectively, for the municipal second and third prize, 1992, 1994, 1997, 1994, in turn, for one, two, three, second prize at the county level. School has been rated as the autonomous region advanced collective, the overseas Chinese overseas Chinese enterprise advanced school, the autonomous region civilized school, nanning part-work and part-study system advanced unit, patriotic
Our students to participate in the 2012 Chinese classic recite read game won the second prize
In 2014 the Chinese challenge our students to participate in the nanning television game defeat nanning hundred middle school won the first prize Schools in the south China morning post, the nanning daily, park the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) weekly, television news in guangxi, guangxi TV news online, nanning nanning news, went into the building, sunshine 100, 2014 Chinese characters challenge contest, nanning asean television campus news, built in the walk into were reported.
China Daily website, Chinese overseas network, phoenix information news, netease, sina news In 2012, nanning southeast Asia international tourism food festival volunteers
『陸』 南寧華僑投資區華僑中學的辦學實績
學校以「嚴謹、團結、健康、進取」為校訓,立足於僑鄉人文優勢,全面推進素質教育,在培養學生德、智、體、美、勞等方面形成了「以德促智、德智並茂;東盟外語、體育、藝術特長突出」的辦學特色 1990年至1998年,學校參加南寧市、高中畢業班教學評估,連年獲得殊榮。學校先後被評為自治區華僑企業「先進集體」、全國華僑企業「先進學校」、自治區「文明學校」、南寧市「勤工儉學先進單位」、「愛國衛生先進單位」、「無毒單位」、「文明單位」、南寧市「師德建設先進學校」、綠化達標單位,舞蹈、音樂、演講、誦讀、奧林匹克競賽市級、省級、國家級等獎項
2012年該校學子參加「中華經典誦 讀」比賽榮獲二等獎
『柒』 今年南寧華僑投資區華僑中學招收南寧的學生嗎
『捌』 廣西希望高中好嗎
『玖』 南寧華僑投資區華僑中學的介紹
南寧華僑中學-Nanning Chinese middle school(又稱南寧華僑投資區華僑中學)華僑中學廣西壯族自治區評為普通高中一級學校,是國務院僑辦重點聯系單位、全國華僑企業先進學校、廣西壯族自治區華僑企業先進集體、廣西壯族自治區文明學校。創辦於1963年,學校佔地面積450畝。華僑管理委員會為澳大利亞、馬來西亞、印度尼西亞等9個東南亞國家歸國華僑創辦,曾用過的校名有武僑高中。1990年改為現名。歷經歷史的洗禮,華僑中學以「嚴謹、團結、健康、進取「以德促智、德智並茂為先,東盟外語、文體特長為突出,」保留著歸國華僑異國風情和民族風俗的辦學特色飲譽華夏大地,學校以「嚴謹、團結、健康、進取」為校訓,立足於僑鄉人文優勢,全面推進素質教育,成為莘莘學子嚮往的求知殿堂
『拾』 為什麼今年南寧華僑投資區華僑中學的學生不能去武鳴讀高中