A. 再次跪求一些大學課程的英語翻譯(成績單英語翻譯)謝謝哦!對不起哦 我的財富沒有了 希望能得到你的幫助
第二外語(法語): second foreign language(French)
高級英語閱讀 An Advanced Course of English Reading
英國文學 English literature
英語視聽 visual and aural English
英語報刊選讀 Journalistic English或者selected readings of english press
英語口譯實踐 Practice of English Interpretation
英語小說選讀 Selected Readings in English Novels
高級翻譯理論與技巧 Theory Skills of Advanced Translation
科技英語翻譯 English Translation of Science and Technology
英美文化專題 Anglo-American Cultural Topics
公共關系學 Public Relations
宏微觀經濟學 Macro Micro Economics
學生歷年成績單 transcripts
入學時間 enrollment time
畢業時間 graation time
學號 student number (或者student ID)
應修學分 Required Credits
已修學分 Obtained Credits
類別:必修 Category: R (Required) (括弧里的為全稱,外國高校一般只寫R)
性質:必修 Property: R (Required)
選修(含限選)Elective (Controlled Elective courses included)
系(章) Dept. (全稱為:Department)
教務處(章)Dean's office (Chap)
製表時間 Ausstell-Datum (這個詞最專業)
成績:優 , 良, 中,差 Results: Excellent, Good, Average,Poor
B. 請教英語大蝦~~幫我翻譯幾個英文成績單上的課程!
1, 2 of the Television literature, radio, television and Literature (to explain the radio and television this is the meaning of the literature……) 3, a few courses name: a business news Introction to Literary Study b c d Introction to Communication Studies e Dramatic Art F television broadcasting literary and artistic creation literary narrative film g h i television director based literary arts writing program j k reporters and editors thought the history of Chinese and foreign film
C. 成績單 英文 翻譯中 的幾個詞 (一定要夠專業啊!) 最好是 有學校模板的給參考下
Transcript Records for Undergraates
Total credits for graation
Acquired credits
Compulsory courses
Elective courses
Public elective courses
Practice courses
Special courses
Freewill courses
Average scores over the years
Average credit point over the years
Graation thesis: good
Level: undergraate
Approved by:
Faculty/ Department (Seal)
Dean』s Office(Seal)
以下空內白:容folowing is blank
D. 英文成績單里的課程名稱翻譯,很著急,請幫忙
管理會計與控制實驗 Management accounting and control experiments
財務診斷與決策實驗 Financial diagnosis and decision-making experiment
審計實專戰模擬 Audit of actual combat simulation
ERP模擬實屬驗 ERP Simulation Experiment
E. 急等!!成績單中課程英語翻譯。請高人!會追分!!
1、導游學概論 Guide overview
2、休閑管理概論 Leisure management
3、統計學原理 Statistical principle
4、形勢與政策 Situation and policy
5、影視廣告欣賞 Television advertising
6、中國近現代史綱要 China's modern history outline
7、主要客源國概況 Main and tourist profiles
8、概論 introction
9、基礎旅遊英語 Basic tourism English
10、計算機文化基礎 Computer culture basis
11、計算機文化基礎上機 Based on computer cultur
12、旅行社管理概論 Travel management
13、旅遊地管理概論 Tourism management
1.My professor referred me to the book "Compendious System of Astronomy".
2.In an introctory survey, the economist is interested in the workings of the economy as a whole.
4.In addition to giving a general introction, the program also offers practical training.
F. 原件中文的成績單就有三張,英文自己翻譯,求助!
G. 急問,關於英文版成績單翻譯問題。必須很准確嗎
H. 再次跪求一些大學課程的英語翻譯(成績單英語翻譯) 謝謝哦!!
第二外語(法語)the second foreigner language (French)
高級英語閱讀 Advanced English Reading
英國文學 English Literature
英語視聽 audio and visual in English
英語報刊選讀 English Newspaper Reading
英語口譯實踐 English Speaking Practice
英語小說選讀 English Novels
高級翻譯理論與技巧 Advance translation concepts and skills
科技英語翻譯 Technology English Translation
英美文化專題 Anglo-American Cultural Studies
公共關系學 Understing of Public Relationships
宏微觀經濟學 Macro and Micro Economics
學生歷年成績單 past acdamic results
入學時間 enrolment time
畢業時間 graate year
學號 stdent ID
應修學分 Credits Required
已修學分 credits obtained
類別:必修 Type: compulsory
性質:必修 Nature; compulsory
選修(含限選) Elective (limited)
系(章) chaper
教務處(章) stamp
成績:優 , 良, 中 results : grade A, grade B, grade C , grade D(就是差)
I. 急急求幫忙翻譯英文成績單上的課程(懸賞還會追加)!! 請各位大俠幫幫個忙啊!
英語聽力 English Listening
英語精讀 English Intensive Reading
體育 Physical Ecation
思想道德修養與法律基礎 Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Basis of Law
入學教育、軍訓 Matriculation Ecation; Military Training
經濟法概論 Introction to Economic Law
計算機文化基礎 Fundamentals of Computer Culture
管理學原理 Principle of Management
高等數學 Advanced Mathematics
專業認識實習 Major Recognization and Practice
中國近現代史綱要 Outline of Modern Chinese History
英語口語 Oral English Practice
微觀經濟學 Microeconomic Analysis
程序設計(VFP) Program Designing(VFP)
專業知識與形式講座 Domain Knowledge and Formal Lecture
學年論文 Annual Essay
線性代數 Linear Algebra
女子健美操 Female Aerobics
毛澤東思想鄧小平理論和三個代表重要思想 An outline of Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Important Thinking of "The Three Represents"
宏觀經濟學 Macroeconomics Analysis
概率統計 Probability Statistics
中國古陶瓷鑒賞與收藏 Appreciation and Collection of Chinese Ancient Ceramics
涉外禮儀與交際禮節 Courtesy Related to Foreign Affairs and Communication Etiquette
文件檢索 Document Retrieval
統計學A Statistics A
體育舞蹈 Physical Dance
世界經濟 World Economy
馬克思主義基本原理 Fundamental Principles of Marxism
會計學A Accounting A
會計流程實習 Account Flow Practice
國際市場行情調研 Research of Quotations in International Market
國際市場調研與開發 Research and Development of International Market
國際貿易理論 International Trade Theory
音樂欣賞 Music Appreciation
管理運籌與博弈對策 Management Operations and Game Theory
當代世界政治與經濟 Contemporary International Economics and Politics
外貿商品學 Foreign Trade Commodity Studies
計量經濟學 Econometrics
貨幣銀行學 Monetary Banking
國際投資學 International Investments
國際貿易專業實習 International Trade Major Practice
國際貿易實務 International Trade Practice
國際金融 International Finance Program
玉器鑒別與欣賞 Jade Identification and Appreciation
應用寫作 Applied Writing
人際交往心理學 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationship
二外(日語) Second Foreign Language (Japanese)
外貿英語函電 Foreign Trade English Correspondence
跨國公司經營管理 Transnational Business Management
國際市場營銷(雙語) International Marketing (Bilingual)
國際貿易電子模擬 Electronic Analogue in International Trade
國際經濟學 International Economics
攝影藝術作品賞析 Photograpthic Art Works Appreciation
國際物流管理 International Logistics Management
國際貿易前沿問題 Current Issues in International Trade
財政學 Finance
J. 請幫忙翻譯2個名詞(成績單上的2門課)
1. Final year instry attachment, 80 (out of 100)
2. Final year project (including thesis), 85 (out of 100)
修改一下,如果對國外教育系統不了解,請不要亂翻譯,給人家錯誤的答案。國外大學哪裡有graation design這種東西。。