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发布时间: 2021-03-02 14:46:20

1. 小学英语公开课前音乐用什么好纯音乐还是英文歌

Tino Coury - Diary

I read your diary
And it said
That you weren't in love with me ( love with me)
And you're leavin'
And you wished that I didn't see
That you fell in love with him him him
I read your diary
You know' d-d-d-diary
I saw a book with lock and key right next to your name
I-I-I couldn't help myself 'cause things ain't just been the same (Uh-Oh)
Can you please tell me' 'cause this so insane
My heart is bleedin'' paper cuts from readin' (readin')
Page 1
Says that your fallin' in and outta love
Page 2
Says all them things I do just ain't enough
Page 3
No I couldn't see
Page 3 says you don't know how to explain it to me
But I read your diary
And it said
That you weren't in love with me (in love with me)
And you're leavin'
And you wished that I didn't see
That you fell in love with him him him
But I read your diary
Ohoh' ohoh
Diary diary diary
I turned the page and see a picture of you and him
Noo noo noo
That was the night you told me you where out with your friends
And now I know that my kiss was just second
My heart is bleedin'' paper cuts from readin' (readin')
Page 4
Says your addicted to sexting him every night
Page 5
Has all the reason you know that this isn't right
Page 6
I can't handle this' I feel just like JT on cry me a river
'Cause I read your diary
And it said
That you weren't in love with me (in love with me)
And you're leavin'
And you wished that I didn't see
That you fell in love with him him him
But I read your diary
Ohoh' ohoh
Lets make a list
Broken promises
How you always told me you loved me right after every kiss
You always talked about all them other chicks
And now it's obvious that we know who the real b*tch is
B*tch is....B-B-B*tch is...B*tch

I-I-I-I read your dairy d-d-d-diary

I read your diary
And it said
That you weren't in love with me (in love with me)
And you're leavin'
And you wished that I didn't see
That you fell in love with him him him
But I read your diary (ohoho)
I read your diary

2. 求小学生三分钟左右的英语配音素材


3. 继续一张适合英语配音大赛节目单的背景图片


4. 制作一个小学英语ppt课件,有英语配音的ppt课件工具吗


5. 小学英语课件用什么背景音乐好


6. 英语趣配音怎么提取背景乐


7. 关于英语课堂背景音乐。。。


就这首Jewel - 《Stand》吧,挺活泼的


8. 英语趣配音用这个软件配音时背景音乐太大自己声音太小怎么办已经喊很大声了录下来还是很小声求解。。

还有就是,我目前上的ABC天卞英语中心的外教说过 其实要学好英语很简单的。绝对内要拥有容一个符合的学习空间与练习口语对象,老师水平是关键,标准口音(建议找欧美外教)才行 坚持经常口语沟通,1&1家教式教学才能够有非常.好.的进步效率!上完课同样要复习听取课堂录音档,来进一步深化知识~如果真的无口语交谈的人的情况,只能到听力室或大耳朵获取课余教材练习 多说、多练、多问、多听、多读 很快的语境就培养起来,学习效益肯定会达成目标的。呵呵,家长都出面了,中学的孩子吧,当家长真是不容易啊说一下段落吧,整片太大了,没法发给你 给个邮件地址,发给你

9. 小学英语新课程改革是在什么背景下进行的







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