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发布时间: 2021-02-23 13:27:48

㈠ ACCA学员申请OBU学位英语成绩证明有哪些


㈡ ACCA获得的OBU学位



急速通关计划 ACCA全球私播课 大学生雇主直通车计划 周末面授班 寒暑假冲刺班 其他课程

㈢ 考acca拿到obu高等级学位的流程是怎样的

一、拿到的学位等级是要看F4到F9的平均分和论文成绩综合的,简单的说就是ACCA考试成绩平均68以上不论论文什么等级都能拿FIRST CLASS,以此类推


Class of Degree

68 or more A, B, C (First)

67 A, B (First) C (Upper Second)

66 A (First)B. C (Upper Second)

60-65 A, B, C (Upper Second)

59 A, B(Upper Second) C (Lower Second)

58 A(Upper Second) B, C (Lower Second)

54-57 A, B, C (Lower Second)

53 A, B (Lower Second)C (Third)

50-52 A, B, C (Third)

Average Mark is the average of Papers F4 to F9 excluding those papers where credit entry or internal assessment has taken place. 'A', 'B', or 'C' refers to the grade given to the project.

无论论文什么成绩都只能拿Upper Second


1、如果你有读CAT,或者其它语言证书,比如雅思之类的。在通过全部F Level 之后,可以申请。

如果你直接读的ACCA,没有其它语言证明,那么,需要F4 在F7,89任何一颗通过之前通过。也有个别例子(F4 在F7,8,9之后通过,然后去ACCA申诉,最终成功获得申请牛津布鲁克斯大学文凭申请条件的同学)



所以想要拿到较高等级的OBU学位,努力学习在ACCA考试中拿到高分是一方面,在写OBU 论文的过程中,有一位Project Mentor 也很重要,而且要求必须和你的Project Mentor有至少3次meetings,也就是至少有3次有效的沟通,根据这3次有效的沟通,你要提交一分 Skills and learning Statement, SLS,和一个论文的PPT。其次,在Online你提交论文时要填写论文指导老师的信息。在你提交论文后,OBU会发一份确认邮件给你的指导老师,老师Sign后,你的论文upload 才算完成。

㈣ 现在考ACCA然后申OBU学位还可以用托福成绩作为英语成绩证明吗


㈤ acca怎么申请obu学位证


㈥ 关于ACCA学员如何申请OBU学位的攻略

1、ACCA学员在抄完成F阶段的考试以后可以袭申请牛津布鲁克斯的学士学位 2、需要提供英语成绩单或者雅思证书 3、并完成牛津布鲁克斯大学要求的研究与分析报告 4、通过申请后即可得到牛津布鲁克斯大学的学士学位。


拿到的ACCA学位等级是要看F4到F9的平均分和论文成绩综合的,简单的说就是平均68以上不论论文什么等级都能拿FIRST CLASS,以此类推
Class of Degree
68 or more A, B, C (First)
67 A, B (First) C (Upper Second)
66 A (First)B. C (Upper Second)
60-65 A, B, C (Upper Second)
59 A, B(Upper Second) C (Lower Second)
58 A(Upper Second) B, C (Lower Second)
54-57 A, B, C (Lower Second)
53 A, B (Lower Second)C (Third)
50-52 A, B, C (Third)
'Average Mark' is the average of Papers F4 to F9 excluding those papers where credit entry or internal assessment has taken place.
'A', 'B', or 'C' refers to the grade given to the project.
我68也就是说无论论文什么成绩都只能拿Upper Second
An organisation’s budgetary control system and its links with performance management and decision making
How the introction of a new technology can assist an organisation in achieving its business objectives
The impact of an aspect of impending legislation on the operations and financial position of an organisation
The impact of e-business on an organisation
The effects of globalisation on an organisation
The key factors or indicators in the motivation of employees in an
The restructuring of an organisation’s operational activities and the effect on the organisation’s financial performance
The business and financial performance of an organisation over a three year period
The planning and implementation of an information system in an organisation
The effectiveness of the use of costing techniques within an organisation
The financial and operational costs and benefits of the internal audit / internal review activities within an organisation
The possible effects of a proposed accounting standard on the financial statements and business activities of an organisation
The relationship between an organisation’s human resources activities and its business objectives
The business and financial objectives of a strategic investment decision made by an organisation and its impact on key stakeholders
The management of an organisation’s working capital over a three year period and its impact on the organisation’s funding strategies
The financial and operational risk management within an organisation
The quality of the corporate governance within an organisation and
the impact on an organisation’s key stakeholders
The marketing strategy of an organisation and its effectiveness
The financial and operational consequences of a merger between two organisations or of the acquisition of one organisation by another
An organisation's corporate social responsibility policies, including business ethics, and their impact on business practice and key stakeholders.

㈧ ACCA请老考生(拿到过OBU学位的朋友看进来),谢谢

你前九门 考完一定门数就会寄给你了

㈨ ACCA obu 申请 考了P阶段,是不是就无法申请这个学位了呢

提要:牛津布鲁克斯大学会计本科学位共有:First class,Upper second class,Lower second class,Third class等4个级别。决定这个RR是否通过的方面有:语言,沟通,分析是否深入,IT技术使用,参考资料使用及格式等方面。


1.注册过这个学位(可以在My ACCA中查看此学位的状态是否为opted-in)2.通过前九门考试(F7,F8,F9不可以免考)

3.在通过F7,F8,F9之前提交并通过英语成绩证明4.完成道德模块测试(Professional Ethics mole

A.7500字Research Report(RR);
B.2000字Skills and Learning Statement(SLS)(包括15分钟Presentation on the project to your project mentor,需提交PPT);这两个部分要全部都通过才可以拿到学位,如哪个部分没过,下次只提交那个部分就好,每个学员共有3次提交机会,但每次都需缴纳评审费。学员需要找一名导师来辅导论文写作,并进行3次面谈(每次30分钟,第三次做15分钟presentation)。目前全球论文通过率只有50%。
Research and analysis report(RR):
它共有20个题目可以选择,题目内容包罗万象,涉及很多内容。以第8个题目为例:需要分析一个公司最近3年的financial and business performance.
Skills and learning statement(SLS):
1)An analysis and evaluation of an organisation?s budgetary control system and its links with performance management and decision making.
2)An evaluation of how the introction of a new technology can assist an organisation in achieving its business objectives.
3)An assessment of the potential impact of an aspect of impending legislation on the operations and financial position of an organisation.
4)A review of the business management and accounting issues of environmental costs of an organisation.
5)An evaluation of the use of short term and long term Islamic financial instruments and their impact on the financial statements of an organisation.
6)A critical review of key factors or indicators in the motivation of employees in an organisation.
7)A critical evaluation of the restructuring of an organisation?s operational activities and the effect on the organisation?s financial performance.
8)An analysis and evaluation of the business and financial performance of an organisation over a three year period.
9)A critical evaluation of the planning and implementation of an information system in an organisation.
10)A review of the effectiveness of the use of costing techniques within an organisation.
11)An investigation into the financial and operational costs and benefits of the internal audit/internal review activities within an organisation.
12)An investigation into the possible effects of a proposed accounting standard on the financial statements and business activities of an organisation.
13)An evaluation of the contribution made by human resource activities to the attainment of business and financial objectives.
14)An appraisal of the business and financial objectives of a strategic investment decision made by an organisation and its impact on key stakeholders.
15)An analysis and evaluation of the management of an organisation?s working capital over a three year period and its impact on the organisation?s funding strategies.
16)A critical evaluation of the financial and operational risk management within an organisation.
17)An assessment of the quality of the corporate governance within an organisation and the impact on an organisation?s key stakeholders.
18)A review of the marketing strategy of an organisation and its effectiveness.
19)An analysis and evaluation of the financial and operational consequences of a merger between two organisations or of the acquisition of one organisation by another.
20)An assessment of an organisation's corporate social responsibility policies,including business ethics,and their impact on business practice and key stakeholders. 五、学位等级评定:
论文(RR)通过共有A,B,或C三个分数,论文的分数和该学员ACCA前九门平均成绩综合起来可确定该生学位的级别(详见具体评定图)。牛津布鲁克斯大学会计本科学位共有:First class,Upper second class,Lower second class,Third class等4个级别。决定这个RR是否通过的方面有:语言,沟通,分析是否深入,IT技术使用,参考资料使用及格式等方面。

4.时间管理有问题。这是个本科的毕业论文,需要花费很长时间准备及写作,所用时间因人而异,有的一两个月,有的半年甚至一年。因为每个学员的语言,专业,工作经验不同,所使用的时间是不同的。建议学员要提前准备,而且论文的质量和所花费时间一定是成正比的。有的学员英语基础不好而且没有工作经验,如果花费足够时间加上导师的辅导也可以取得不错的成绩。对于时间管理有问题的学员,导师应多提醒及促使他们在提交时间内完成任务。 八、导师怎么才能辅导学员通过论文:
1.首先,导师需要给学生讲解一下论文的选题,内容等,让学员对论文的要求有个基本介绍.当然,information pack里的内容介绍的已经很详细了,需要让学员仔细阅读information pack.同时,要让学员对自己完成论文的进度做一个估算。


全网**「ACCA NOTES F1-P5」,只需花费几秒钟的时间即可免费索取,点击免费索取>>>


㈩ ACCA和OBU合作的学士学位有成绩单吗

OBU申请的时候,就是根据你的F科目成绩,以及你的论文资料来定学位等内级。拿下的话,是有成绩单容的。参考详细链接,耐心些看,http://www.accaglobal.com/uk/en/student/exam-entry-and-administration/oxford-brookes-bsc-hons-in-applied-accounting.html 。 望参考采纳

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