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发布时间: 2021-02-26 06:20:54


财政学: cameralistics

金融学: banking

数学 : mathematics
经济学: economics

❷ 再次跪求一些大学课程的英语翻译(成绩单英语翻译) 谢谢哦!!

第二外语(法语)the second foreigner language (French)
高级英语阅读 Advanced English Reading
英国文学 English Literature
英语视听 audio and visual in English
英语报刊选读 English Newspaper Reading
英语口译实践 English Speaking Practice
英语小说选读 English Novels
高级翻译理论与技巧 Advance translation concepts and skills
科技英语翻译 Technology English Translation
英美文化专题 Anglo-American Cultural Studies
公共关系学 Understing of Public Relationships
宏微观经济学 Macro and Micro Economics
学生历年成绩单 past acdamic results
入学时间 enrolment time
毕业时间 graate year
学号 stdent ID
应修学分 Credits Required
已修学分 credits obtained
类别:必修 Type: compulsory
性质:必修 Nature; compulsory
选修(含限选) Elective (limited)
系(章) chaper
教务处(章) stamp
成绩:优 , 良, 中 results : grade A, grade B, grade C , grade D(就是差)

❸ 大学成绩单专业名称翻译! 里面有些专业名称不太熟悉,麻烦专业的朋友帮忙翻译一下。。 非常感谢!!

院系Department 专科部Junior College 学号Student ID 专业:(货运专)Major: Freight Transfer 学位Degree 课程名称Course 性质Course Character 学分Credit 成绩Score 良好Good/80+ 中等Average/70+ 及格Pass/60+ 必修Required 限选Distributional Electives 任选Free Electives 公选Public Electives

大学英语College English
经济学原理Principles of Economics
报关实务Customs Declaration Practice

大学语文College Chinese
经济应用文写作Economic Practical Writing
仓储管理与配送Warehousing Management and Distribution

计算机应用基础Fundamentals of Computer Application
电子商务概论Introction to E-Commerce
国际货物运输International Freight Transfer

经济数学Economic Mathematics
国际金融International Finance

体育Physical Training
国际贸易实务International Trade Practice
经济地理Economic Geography

"毛概三”概论The Theories of Chairman Mao and Deng Xiaoping and the Outline of the Important Theory of the Three Representatives
国际商法International Commercial Law
商务谈判Business Negotiation

道德修养与法律基础Moral Cultivation and Introction of Law
公共关系学Public Relations

国际贸易International Trade
数据库Data Base
关税实务Tariffs Practice

货币银行学Monetary Banking
国际综合实习International Comprehensive Practice
管理学原理Principles of Management

国际贸易案例分析International Trade Cases Analysis
国际投资International Invest
商务英语Business English
外贸制单Foreign Trade Documentation

报关与国际货运Customs Declaration & International Freight Transfer

❹ 急求~大学成绩单翻译!

天文学 Astronomy
孙子兵法与三十六计——连续剧 The Art of War & Thirty-Six Stratagems
发展经济学Development Economics
世界经济概论Generality of World Economy
金融投资学Financial Investment
区域经济学Regional Economics
法经济学(不是经济法)Law and Economics
人口、资源与环境经济学Population Resources & Environmental Economics
中国经济思想史History of Chinese Economic Thinking
产业经济学Instrial Economics
劳动经济学Labor Economics
外国经济学说史History of European Economic Thoughts
环境经济战略与政策 Strategy & Policy of Environmental Economy

❺ 急求成绩单翻译!!!

0学号 Student ID No
1院系名 Department
2专业名 Major
3班级 Class
4入学日期 Date of Enrollment
5毕业日期 Date of Graation
6学制 Ecational System/Academic Structure
7优 Excellent
8良 Good
9中 Fair
10及格 Pass
11必修 Compulsory/Required Courses
12任选 Elective/Optional Courses
13限选 Limited Optional Coursess
1学科导论 Introction to Discipline
2程序设计基础 Basis of Program Design / Program Design Basics
3思想道德修养 Cultivation of Ethic Thought
4军事理论 Military Theory
5毛泽东思想概论 An Introction to Mao Ze–dong Thought
6计算机组成原理 Principles of Computer Composition
7线性代数 Linear Algebra
8计算机组成原理课程设计 Principles of Computer Composition Course Design
9周边大国和朝鲜半岛统一 Periphery Nations and The Unification of Korea Peninsular
10世界宗教和国际关系 World Religions and International Relations
11法律基础 Fundamentals of Law
12马克思主义哲学原理 Principles of Marxist Philosophy
13多媒体技术 Multimedia Technology
14数学史与古今数学思想 History of Mathematics and Ancient and Modern Mathematical Thought
15软件工程概论 Introction to Software Engineering
16概率与数理统计 Probability and Mathematical Statistics
17计算机基础与应用 Foundation and Application of Computer
18高等数学 Advanced Mathematics
19机械制图 Machining Drawing
20大学语文 College Chinese Language and Literature
21大学音乐鉴赏 University Ecation of Music Appreciation
22马克思主义政治经济学原理 Marxism Political Economics
23公益劳动 Public Laboring
24离散数学 Discrete mathematics
25现代生物技术对人类发展影响 The Influence of Modern Biotechnology on Human Development
26专业实习 Specialized Practice
27编译原理 Fundamentals of Compiling
28邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想 Deng Xiaoping Theory and The Important Thought of Three Represents.
29大学生就业指导 Guidance for Occupation
30Web系统和技术 Web Systems and Technology
1已获总学分 Total Credits
2获得学位 Degree:
3第二学位专业 Second-degree Major
4院系主任签字 Signature of Department Head
5公章 Official Seal
6备注 Notes


❻ 再次跪求一些大学课程的英语翻译(成绩单英语翻译)谢谢哦!对不起哦 我的财富没有了 希望能得到你的帮助



第二外语(法语): second foreign language(French)
高级英语阅读 An Advanced Course of English Reading
英国文学 English literature
英语视听 visual and aural English
英语报刊选读 Journalistic English或者selected readings of english press
英语口译实践 Practice of English Interpretation
英语小说选读 Selected Readings in English Novels
高级翻译理论与技巧 Theory Skills of Advanced Translation
科技英语翻译 English Translation of Science and Technology
英美文化专题 Anglo-American Cultural Topics
公共关系学 Public Relations
宏微观经济学 Macro Micro Economics
学生历年成绩单 transcripts
入学时间 enrollment time
毕业时间 graation time
学号 student number (或者student ID)
应修学分 Required Credits
已修学分 Obtained Credits
类别:必修 Category: R (Required) (括号里的为全称,外国高校一般只写R)
性质:必修 Property: R (Required)
选修(含限选)Elective (Controlled Elective courses included)
系(章) Dept. (全称为:Department)
教务处(章)Dean's office (Chap)
制表时间 Ausstell-Datum (这个词最专业)
成绩:优 , 良, 中,差 Results: Excellent, Good, Average,Poor

❼ 急求:中文成绩单翻译成英文

The high-level microeconomics
econometrics theory
socialist economy theory with practices
the Marxism classic selective reading
international trade practice and the convention
development economic
social sciences methodology
world economics
high-level macroeconomics
international trade theory
high-level financial control
West economic history
social economy statistics software package
international direct investment
negotiable securities futures market
physical distribution management special study

❽ 中文成绩单翻译,急用!!谢谢!

College English
Biological scientific experiments
The military theory and practice
Information technology B
Moral and legal basis
University information technology integrated experiment
Application of writing
VB programming language
Basic chemistry experiment
Inorganic and chemical analysis
Chinese traditional culture
Automobile driving theory and traffic safety
Pollution-free agricultural soil management
University physics
Table tennis club
Plant physiology
Modern instrument analysis experiment
Plant breeding theory and technology
Enzyme engineering
Molecular biology
Biological proct separation technology
Genetic engineering experiment
Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering courses
Tissue culture teaching practice
Agricultural biotechnology
Sports club session
Social practice and research report
Graation thesis
Information technology
Marxist philosophy principle
Basic chemistry experiment
Biodiversity and protection
The linear algebra
Appreciation of the
Marxist political economics principle
Higher mathematics
Organic chemistry
Probability and statistics
Public relations
University physics experiment
Sinicization of marxism
Reading and social practice
General microbiology
Modern instrument analysis
Cell biology
Molecular immunology
Cell biological technology
Comprehensive experimental training organization
Tissue culture
Tissue culture course
Life science advances
Genetic engineering experiment
Comprehensive professional practice
Applied microbiology teaching practice
Plant practice mole

❾ 求大学成绩单各科目英语翻译 大家帮帮忙

马克思主义哲学原理 the fundamentals of Marxist philosophy
邓小平理论概论 Introction of Deng Xiaoping Theory
马克思主义政治经济学原理 The Principle of Marxist Political Economics
大学英语(预备二)College English Sub-band two
大学英语(一) College English 1
大学英语(二) College English 2
大学英语(三) College English 3
计算机文化基础 computer culture and fundamentals
信息检索 Information retrieval
艺术概论 Introction to art
古典文学(上)Classical literture(Volume one )
典文学(下) Classical literture(Volume two )
写作与语言艺术 Writing and the art of language
中国现代文学史 History of Modern Chinese Literature
古代汉语 Ancient Chinese
欧洲文学史 History of the European literature
文学概论Introction to literature
传播学概论 Journalism and communication
新闻理论 Theories of journalism
中国新闻史 History of Chinese Journalism
外国新闻史 History of Foreign Journalism
新闻采访 News Gathering
新闻写作* News writing
新闻编辑学* News Editing
新闻评论* News commentary
社会学* sociology
新闻摄影与摄像* News photography and camera
广播新闻* Broadcast Journalism
电视新闻* Television News
电视节目制作技术* Techniques of TV program proction
报刊编辑学* Newspaper Editing Science
新闻心理学* News Psychology
口语表达* Oral expression
优秀广播电视新闻节目评析* Excellent radio and television news programs of Comment
新闻职业道德与法规* Journalistic Ethics and Journalistic Law
网络新闻传播概论* Theories of network Journalism and communication
媒介经营管理* Media management
广告学概论* Generality of Adverting
非线性编辑* Non Linear Editing

❿ 成绩证明单里的一些单词如何翻译

学号:制Student No.或Student ID:
入学时间:一般直接写时间,比如:Jauary-April 2007 September-December 2007
考试类型:直接写课程名称Course Title,比如:Principle of Microeconomics(微观经济学原理)
如果有学科/课程编号/代码,还应包含Subject No.
获得学时:Ehrs(Earned Hours)
平均绩点:GPA(Grade Point Average)
质量分数:Quality Points(QPts)
成绩单发布日期:Date Issued
学院(本科)总分(学分、学时、学分绩点):TOTAL INSTITUTION
总转移量(学分、学时、学分绩点):TOTAL TRANSFER

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